Accidents happen when we least expect them, especially during games or other physical activities. Mouthguards lower the risk of mouth injuries to the teeth, lips, and tongue.
What are Mouthguards?
Mouthguards are protective dental devices that keep your child’s teeth from grinding during sports injuries and other possible dental accidents.
Types of mouthguards in Fort Lee, New Jersey include:
Custom-Fitted Mouth Protectors: These guards are designed and made professionally to fit your child’s unique needs.
Boil and Bite Mouth Protectors: These mouthguards are made from thermoplastic material. To use them, put them in hot water, then bite into shape, hence the name.
Pre-formed Mouth Protectors: These are generally less expensive and easily found in sporting stores. Although they come ready to wear, they can be very bulky and uncomfortable, making it hard to perform basic oral activities like talking.
What are the benefits of Mouthguards?
Retention and Comfort
We assess and recommend a perfect fit to provide comfort and protection while considering the type of physical activities.
Mouthguards in Fort Lee, New Jersey come in many designs, colors, sizes, and prices. With the help of our professional dentists, you can find mouthguards that best suit your child’s particular preference. It also makes it easy for you to choose mouthguards that are affordable and within your budget.
Prevents Damage to Teeth
Mouthguards act like shock absorbers between the upper and lower jaw. This protects your child from mouth injuries and teeth grinding.
Teeth need protection at all times, especially during their stages of growth. Mouthguards help keep your child’s teeth safe, allowing them to enjoy their favorite sports. Book an appointment with us today to learn more about custom mouthguards in Fort Lee, New Jersey.